Support Families Raising Kids and Workers Trying to Make Ends Meet: Expanded the Child Tax Credit to$3,600 per year for kids under age six and $3,000 for kids age six and older—which will help middle-class families afford to raise kids and cut child poverty by nearly half, pulling about 57,000 Colorado children above the poverty line and benefiting 90% of American families with children. Expanded the Earned Income Tax Credit nearly threefold for workers who do not have children at home—the only Americans that we tax into poverty today.Â
Lower Costs and Cover Everyone with High-Quality Health Care: Offered a high-quality public health care option called Medicare-X that will lower healthcare costs, drive down prescription drug prices, and expand coverage to every corner of Colorado by 2025.Â
Create Economic Security for Colorado’s Families and Workers: Expand the resources available to Colorado families and workers by fighting cuts to programs like SNAP; tackling evictions and expanding access to emergency rental assistance; and increasing access to affordable health care, education, and job training.